Cara Savege
Principal Broker
As an independent mortgage broker, Cara applies her financial planning experience to advise her clients on the most effective mortgage financing strategies. She works with a wide range of clients and is an invaluable information resource to real estate and lending professionals. She has also become an expert in mortgages for the rapidly growing self-employed sector. Cara’s creative, warm and partnership-oriented approach makes the potentially challenging experience of mortgage financing a pleasure. Sharing the expertise of a network of exceptional real estate professionals and lenders in addition to her own, she will answer your questions on purchases, renewals, refinancing and home equity – and work on your behalf to get you the best product for your needs, at the most competitive rates. The right mortgage can save you tens of thousands of dollars and add immeasurably to your peace of mind and quality of life. Don’t leave this important decision to anyone but an experienced, independent and caring professional.